Oahu North Shore murderers found guilty

The pink-hair girl and the green-hair guy murdered Telma Boinville at the Sunset Beachfront vacation rental unit where Telma was cleaning.

Stephen Brown was found guilty on January 20, 2023. His partner Haile Dandurand requested a separate trial arguing that she was a also victim of abuse by Stephen Brown herself.

On August 1, 2023, Oregonian Hailey Dandurand was found GUILTY on all counts relating to Telma Boinville’s murder at a north shore vacation rental. Telma worked as a translator at Sunset Beach Elementary School and also worked as a cleaner.

The murder was so gruesome and heinous that one juror could not even look at the photos and asked to be released.

Telma’s 8-year-old daughter was also tied up in an upstairs bedroom. She was lucky that the vacation renters arrived at the premises and caused these two murderers to flee.

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