Hawaii House & Senate Adopt Disjointed SB3202 today!

Despite overwhelming public testimony against this rushed and disjointed Land-Use sea-change from the most affected residents in Hawaii, the legislators quickly adopted this zoning to increase density for ALL Hawaii counties.

This was a last-minute attempt to disclose to the public about this Bill.


On the other hand, there was social media by interest groups circulated to those who hope for “affordable housing.” Share whatever is in your mind. No vetting needed. Ah! Creating a seismic land-use change is so simple; you do not consider all the multiplier impacts on Hawaii residents. Who cares about inviting more real estate speculators and investors to compete with local residents?

Interesting, I was warned by a California land-use planner about the trend to decimate single family and it was coming to Hawaii soon. That was about five years ago.

California pushed it and here is the recent court answer to rouge legislators who squashed single-family zoning.

April 29, 2024 3 AM PT

A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge has ruled that a landmark law ending single-family-home-only zoning in California is unconstitutional, a decision that could lead to the law being invalidated in the state’s largest cities.

Judge Curtis Kin determined that Senate Bill 9 does not provide housing restricted for low-income residents and therefore cannot override state constitutional protections afforded to local zoning practices.”


There was chatter circulating that increasing the density will pass. Rumors were circulating around that Senator Brian Schatz has met with local politicians and every one should fall in line for this “progressive” idea.

Senator Stanley Change and House Representative Luke Evlslin championed this process.


Scroll to 5:03 video of today’s hearing at the House of Representatives. (By the way, these hearings do not appear on the Olelo Public Access Television anymore. It’s on the Capitol’s own channel that requires ONLINE capabilities. Many residents, especially the kupuna sector, are not connected.)

Scroll to video of today’s hearing at the Senate.

April 26, 2024, the Committee Report said it has a FULL & FREE discussion. But it doesn’t say that the merits and the demerits were fully and freely discussed and analyzed.

More to come later.

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