Tag Archives: Kennedy

Elections 2024 – – The numbing and dumbing down of America

2024 American Elections have been very troublesome to watch. Robust intelligent dialogue based on a candidate’s record and policies have been absent.

I have received solicitations from political parties pitting one candidate against another. Each side is accusing the other of “destroying democracy” with a straight face. Even non-partisan public interest groups have become very partisan and shrill.

Candidates who try to focus on substance and solutions usually demand more effort through reading and analyzing. These are often drowned by the louder noises of partisan clamoring and quick superficial soundbites.

This election process has mainly become a war of social media prowess and madness. Instead of respecting the Public Intelligent and Democratic Processes, the goal seems to be how to circumvent the civil dialogue process.

The days of civil and intelligent debates with intelligent questions and answers have disappeared. Intead of allow the public to listen and analyze the intelligence and values of the candidate, the public is forced to staged narratives through 30-seconds videos, tic-toks, instagram and facebook reels. Hollywood stars, talk-show hosts, musicians and whatever there is out there jump into in the quarrelsome fray.

Even former politicians jump into shrill partisan mud-fights, displaying no statesmanship, if in fact there was any to begin with.

Substance, policies, ideas, solutions, through analytical robust discussions about how a candidate can provide the best way forward are absent.

It has become a social media war to stoke the anger and fear in the American population. “If you’re not for us, you’re against us!”

” And please donate. Donate now. Donate to save Democracy! “

I was curious to see how much money is involved in these elections. This seems like an awful lot — ” In the 2020 U.S. presidential race, candidates spent a total of roughly 3.16 trillion U.S. dollars, more than any other election. The total spending of presidential candidates is reflected in the number of major presidential candidates running. See here for more information on how many candidates have run in past U.S. elections.” 

Is this information correct? If it is, it’s a sad state of affairs! God Bless America.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – the only US Constitution champion in this Presidential Elections 2024.

This 2024 Presidential Elections offers a rare opportunity for the American public, students, and concerned citizens to be inspired and educated by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – – a walking encyclopedia of the US Constitution and American/World History and Affairs.

The Constitution is more than a legal document. It’s meant to inspire us. It’s a recital of the most fundamental moral truths that govern human conduct. It reminds us of the central proposition that only under a system that maximizes the personal freedoms that God intended for us when He gives us Free Will can we achieve our potential for creativity, the prosperity the ultimate elevation for the Human Spirit. The Constitution embodies the very soul of our nation as first invoked in the Declaration of the Independence. I get goose bumps when I read the words.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

This is worth the time to listen to his speech shared on May 24, 2024 at the Libertarian Convention. We would be so lucky to have Kennedy at the White House with his brilliance and skills and mindset.